chiropractic care
Mindful that treatment can often be directed towards the symptoms rather than the underlying cause, our chiropractic care focuses on core body dysfunction. We work with you to restore and improve integral body nerve functions and balance, through gentle and non-invasive corrective adjustments. By specifically targeting the underlying problem areas, chiropractic treatment relieves and restores both body and functional confidence. Ongoing treatment will progress based upon a mutually agreed and tailored rehabilitation program including self-directed exercises and possibly complimentary tactile therapies. We are confident that you will make both incremental and sustainable improvements, contributing towards restoring and maintaining your good health.
This will take around 30 minutes and includes:
- A full case history examination
- A full spinal and postural assessment
- A referral, if required, for bulk billed x-rays
- Any required Initial Chiropractic adjustments
This will take around 15 minutes and includes:
This appointment includes:
- Chiropractic adjustment
- Review and any further recommendations regarding ongoing exercises